Animal Spirits is a show about markets, life, and investing. Join Michael Batnick and Ben Carlson as they talk about what they're reading, writing, listening to and watching. Look for new episodes every Wednesday morning. See our disclosures here -


Title Date published
We Should Be in a Bubble (EP.202) 2021-05-05
The YOLO Economy (EP.201) 2021-04-28
The Dumbest Week Ever (EP.200) 2021-04-21
A Shortage of Workers (EP.199) 2021-04-14
Listener Mailbag 2021-04-09
Housing Bubble 2.0? 2021-04-07
The Active Management Resurgence (EP.197) 2021-03-31
Talk Your Book: Investing in the Gig Economy 2021-03-26
An Affordability Crisis (EP.196) 2021-03-24
Talk Your Book: The Case for Emerging Markets 2021-03-19
Super Bullish (EP.195) 2021-03-17
Talk Your Book: Investing in Freedom 2021-03-12
The Recession is Over (EP.194) 2021-03-10
Talk Your Book: The Most Ambitious ETFs 2021-03-05
Never Bet Against America (EP.193) 2021-03-03
Talk Your Book: Investing in Moonshots 2021-02-26
The Beanie Baby Bubble (EP.192) 2021-02-24
Listener Mailbag 2021-02-19
Bidding Wars (EP.191) 2021-02-17
Talk Your Book: The Madness of crowds 2021-02-12

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