Join us for thought provoking conversations on surveillance, digital privacy, and cybersecurity law and policy in the information age. Each week, hosts Dave Bittner and Ben Yelin break down the headlines, legal cases, and policy battles that matter most. 


Title Date published
Measuring the competitive advantage of compliance. 2023-03-30
The technology challenges of national archives regulations. 2023-03-23
A blueprint of the CCPA. 2023-03-16
Encore: The ever-evolving cybersecurity field. 2023-03-09
Cybersecurity and SMEs. 2023-03-02
The stand up of U.S. Cyber Command. 2023-02-23
Data privacy around the world. 2023-02-16
Surveillance and the threat to press freedom. 2023-02-09
Safely and securely moving to the cloud. 2023-02-02
Are there complications with digitizing healthcare? 2023-01-26
The relationship between organizations and their data. 2023-01-19
New year, new data privacy. 2023-01-12
Inside the largest data breaches in world history. 2023-01-05
Encore: Do copyright laws threaten the open market? 2022-12-29
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. 2022-12-22
The promise of equal digital identity. 2022-12-15
Follow the money along the blockchain. 2022-12-08
Patching healthcare cybersecurity risks. 2022-12-01
Privacy Briefing: Notes on the Ducktail information stealer. Increased VPN demand during the World Cup. [CW Pro] 2022-11-24
Ensuring privacy is baked in every step of the way. 2022-11-17

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