Decoder Ring is the show about cracking cultural mysteries. In each episode, host Willa Paskin takes a cultural question, object, or habit; examines its history; and tries to figure out what it means and why it matters.


Title Date published
The Mall is Dead (Long Live the Mall) 2022-07-26
Summer 2022 Teaser 2022-07-19
The Storytelling Craze 2022-05-17
“We Got Ourselves a Convoy” 2022-05-10
The Sideways Effect 2022-05-03
The Madness Behind ‘The Method’ 2022-04-26
“F--k Everything, We're Doing Five Blades” 2022-04-19
Spring 2022 Teaser 2022-04-12
Custer's Revenge 2021-12-23
The Fame That Got Away 2021-12-14
Truly Tasteless Jokes 2021-12-07
The Philosophy of Vampires 2021-11-30
You Just Lost The Game 2021-11-23
The Alberta Rat War 2021-11-16
The Great Helga Hype 2021-11-09
Selling Out 2021-08-06
Tattoo Flash 2021-07-27
The Tootsie Shot 2021-07-20
Who Killed The Segway? 2021-07-13
The Sign Painter 2021-07-06

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