The world is changing faster than ever before. This comes with life-changing opportunities but also unprecedented challenges. In The Journeyman, I talk to the greatest minds at the nexus of macro, crypto, and technology to figure out exactly what the Exponential Age means for us all. I uncover the big trends, potential investment opportunities, and economic risks and rewards, and ask the big questions on how this impacts us, our businesses, and our societies. Brought to you by Real Vision.


Title Date published
Could Bitcoin Be the Global Reserve Currency? 2022-03-17
"Traditional Financial Markets Are Broken" 2022-03-16
NFTing the World for the General Good 2022-03-15
The Man Behind Ukraine's Crypto Defense Fund 2022-03-14
This Is How To Build a Creator Economy 2022-03-13
Former CFTC Chair Says Web 3.0 Favors New Ways of Thinking 2022-03-12
Olaf Carlson-Wee on Web 3.0 and His 2022 Forecast 2022-03-11
A Masterclass Discussion on the Future of Digital Assets 2022-03-10
Jan Van Eck Talks Digital Assets 2022-03-09
Is It Possible To Solve This DeFi Nightmare? 2022-03-08
How the Real Vision Bot Is Building a Digital Community 2022-03-07
Anonymous @punk4156 Speaks on Next Generation NFTs 2022-03-06
Is Ukraine's Use of Crypto a Major Widespread Adoption Moment? 2022-03-05
Titans Team Up To Shape Crypto's Future 2022-03-04
My First Million With Our Very Own Raoul Pal 2022-03-04
Can Crypto and NFTs Cut Transaction Costs and Democratize Property Investing? 2022-03-02
How NFTs Are Changing the World 2022-03-01
"It's No Longer a Question of 'Will Bitcoin Exist'" 2022-03-01
How Everyrealm Is Developing the Metaverse 2022-02-27
WoW: An NFT Collection With a Feminine Touch 2022-02-26

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