John Dickerson of Slate’s Political Gabfest revisits a moment from the American carnival of politics. Hear about the grand speeches, emergency strategies, baby kissing, and backstabbing that make each presidential cycle so fascinating.


Title Date published
A High Point in Bipartisan Deal-Making 2017-09-20
Riding the Oratory Train 2017-08-10
Loyalty Tests and The Bridge of Death 2017-07-26
Foreign Collusion and the Dragon Lady 2017-07-12
Lady Lincoln and the Leak 2017-06-28
A Powerful Pardon 2017-06-14
Oliver North Master Crafter of the Political Lie 2017-06-01
Recording from the Oval 2017-05-17
A Recipe for a Presidential Speech 2017-04-19
The Fire of Agnew 2017-04-05
The Bricker Amendment and Stories of Migratory Birds 2017-03-22
The 104-Year-Old Mistake 2017-03-08
Steely Executive Orders from Presidents Truman and Trump 2017-02-22
When a Supreme Court Justice Leaves a Seat Earlier than Expected, June 13, 1968, 2017-02-07
The Entanglements of the Mega Rich: Vice President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller 2017-01-25
The Inauguration of the People's President 2017-01-11
Harry S. Truman's Battles with the Bosses 2016-12-14
Whistlestop: The Presidential Greatness Edition 2016-11-30
October Surprise, the 1964 Edition 2016-11-02
Debategate 2016-10-19

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