Named 2023 Best Personal Finance podcast by, The Stacking Benjamins Show has a light and friendly tone. Hosts Joe Saul-Sehy and OG aim to make financial literacy fun for all as they sit around the card table in Joe's Mom's half-finished basement and talk with experts about personal finance, saving, investing, and important money trends. As Fast Company once wrote, the Stacking Benjamins podcast "strikes a great balance of fun and functional." So join Joe and OG every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as they read your letters, discuss major headlines, and throw in some trivia and laughs for free.


Title Date published
Quit Saving Sooner, Live Freer (SB1582) 2024-10-02
From Legal Briefs to Bistro Feasts: Erin Wade's Story (SB1581) 2024-09-30
It's Easier Than Ever To $%*! Up Your Money (SB1580) 2024-09-27
Inspiring Financial Independence Stories and Lessons from Missteps (LIVE from CampFI Midwest 2025) SB1579 2024-09-25
Lobsters, Lincoln, and Financial Lessons (SB1578) 2024-09-23
How to Lose Money in the Markets: The Game Show Edition (SB1577) 2024-09-20
Pension Perils: Lessons from the Dallas Fund Fiasco (SB1576) 2024-09-18
Mastering Retirement Planning (plus Real Estate Commission Negotiation) SB1575 2024-09-16
Turning Goals Into Adventures: Transforming Your Financial Journey (SB1574) 2024-09-13
Three Dads Share Tips and Stories on Teaching Good Money Habits (Jon Acuff & John Lanza) SB1573 2024-09-11
Touchdown Tips to Boost Your Financial Game (featuring ex- NFL star Brandon Copeland) SB1572 2024-09-09
How Much Can a Great Coach Truly Help? A Roundtable Discussion (SB1571) Greatest Hits! 2024-09-06
Mark Cuban Shares Frugal Tips -- Should We Care? (SB1570) Greatest Hits and Earn & Invest Replay 2024-09-05
Is a Latte Going to Ruin Your Retirement? (SB1569) Greatest Hits! 2024-09-04
Stop Delegating Your Financial Decisions! (Bola Sokunbi AND Susan Tompor) SB1568 (Greatest Hits!) 2024-09-03
Top 5 Metrics You Need To Know To Build a Better Financial Plan (SB1567) Greatest Hits! 2024-09-02
Extreme Rentals: Should You Rent Everything? (SB1566) 2024-08-30
Stop Losing Money on Your Company Benefits (SB1565) 2024-08-28
Feeling Cynical? That May Be Costly For Your Wallet and Career (SB1564) 2024-08-26
Hey Ho, Hey Ho, Some Things I Wish I'd Known (when I joined the workforce) SB1563 2024-08-23

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