Named 2023 Best Personal Finance podcast by, The Stacking Benjamins Show has a light and friendly tone. Hosts Joe Saul-Sehy and OG aim to make financial literacy fun for all as they sit around the card table in Joe's Mom's half-finished basement and talk with experts about personal finance, saving, investing, and important money trends. As Fast Company once wrote, the Stacking Benjamins podcast "strikes a great balance of fun and functional." So join Joe and OG every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as they read your letters, discuss major headlines, and throw in some trivia and laughs for free.


Title Date published
The Case For and Against Hiring a Coach (plus the top cities for digital nomads) 2019-09-27
Am I Doing Money Right? (with Colleen Bordeaux) 2019-09-25
Crazy, Funny Money (with Paul Ollinger) 2019-09-23
Can "More" Really Make You Happier? (plus a look at mortgage innovation with Joel Gurman) 2019-09-20
Running From Burnout (with Nicole Lapin) 2019-09-18
What To Do After The Car Crash (with Elizabeth Calora) 2019-09-16
Does Faster Equal Better With Financial Decisions? (plus an update from Zeta) 2019-09-13
5 (Good) Reasons To Invest In Real Estate (with Michele Cagan) 2019-09-11
Want Better Answers in Life? Here's How to Get Them (with Andy Andrews) 2019-09-09
The Problem with Saying "I'm Broke" (SB RWD 97) 2019-09-06
Special Money With Friends Introduction! 2019-09-04
How I Handed A Hacker Over $50000 (SB RWD 96) 2019-09-02
What Are Money Podcast Listeners Worried About? (live from Podcast Movement) 2019-08-30
How the *$#! Do You Pick Wine? (with Dave Falchek) 2019-08-28
How To Eat Smart and Waste Less (with Frankie Celenza) 2019-08-26
Is It Harder To Retire Early With Children? (Plus an intro to Mercari) 2019-08-23
What's a Sandwich Cost? An Inflation Study, the Fun Way (Len Penzo's annual sandwich survey) 2019-08-21
The Five Money Lies (with Rob Berger) 2019-08-19
Is Buying a House a Waste of Money? (plus a discussion with Jean Statler from Alliance for Lifetime Income) 2019-08-16
Becoming One Of The Grateful Dead (with Carol Weisman) 2019-08-14

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