The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 180 - Our Naughtiest Moments of 2024 (ft. alexsmokesmid) 2024-12-25
Ep. 179 - This Was The Worst Year Ever 2024-12-18
Ep. 178 - The Craziest Event of the Year 2024-12-11
Ep. 177 - The Dumbest Argument. Ever. 2024-12-04
Ep. 176 - We've been cursed 2024-11-27
Ep. 175 - Hanging Out with Pokimane! 2024-11-20
Ep. 174 - The Worst Game Ever Made 2024-11-13
Ep. 173 - We Exposed Our Biggest Fan (ft. Cinna) 2024-11-06
Ep. 172 - The ​⁠ConnorEatsPants Episode 2024-10-30
Ep. 171 - We Deep-Dived Old Gaming Forums 2024-10-23
Ep. 170 - Pitching Our WORST Ideas 2024-10-16
Ep. 169 - YouTube is Getting Weird 2024-10-09
Ep. 168 - The Most Embarrassing Moment of Aidens Life 2024-10-02
Ep. 167 - He found us. (ft. Rainbolt) 2024-09-25
Ep. 166 - Beating the Hardest Challenge Ever... 2024-09-18
Ep. 165 - The Worst League Player Ever 2024-09-11
Ep. 164 - Ludwig got into an accident. It was bad. 2024-09-04
Ep. 163 - The Greatest To Ever Do It (ft. Mang0) 2024-08-28
Ep. 162 - Asking Dumb Questions about Music (ft. Hivemind) 2024-08-21
Ep. 161 - We Caught Ludwig Stealing 2024-08-14

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