From the desk of “Stuff You Missed in History Class,” “This Day in History Class” quickly recounts a tidbit from today’s events in history.


Title Date published
Teddy bears are sold for the first time - February 15th, 1903 2023-02-15
Introducing: The Last Soviet 2023-02-15
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre erupts in Chicago - February 14th, 1929 2023-02-14
The League of Nations recognizes the permanent neutrality of Switzerland - February 13th, 1920 2023-02-13
Major League Baseball bans the spitball - February 10th, 1920 2023-02-10
The Qianlong Emperor abdicates the Chinese throne - February 9th, 1796 2023-02-09
Mysterious cloven hoof-marks appear in Devon, England - February 8th, 1855 2023-02-08
Two astronauts complete the first untethered spacewalks - February 7th, 1984 2023-02-07
The Sámi people hold their first national congress - February 6th, 1917 2023-02-06
Jacques Cousteau’s The Silent World is published - February 3rd, 1953 2023-02-03
Sears opens its first retail store - February 2nd, 1925 2023-02-02
An atomic bomb blast is shown for the first time on television - February 1st, 1951 2023-02-01
McDonald's opens its first restaurant in the Soviet Union - January 31st, 1990 2023-01-31
The U.S. Congress buys Thomas Jefferson’s book collection - January 30th, 1815 2023-01-30
Germany observes its first Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27th, 1996 2023-01-27
Benjamin Franklin laments the choice of the bald eagle as a national symbol - January 26th, 1784 2023-01-26
Two traditional wedding songs are played together for the first time - January 25th, 1858 2023-01-25
Christian K. Nelson patents the Eskimo Pie - January 24th, 1922 2023-01-24
A West Virginia newlywed is found dead under mysterious circumstances - January 23rd, 1897 2023-01-23
King Charles I is brought to trial in Westminster Hall - January 20th, 1649 2023-01-20

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