From the desk of “Stuff You Missed in History Class,” “This Day in History Class” quickly recounts a tidbit from today’s events in history.


Title Date published
The first American cell phone network launches in Chicago - October 13th, 1983 2022-10-13
Actor Jon-Erik Hexum accidentally shoots himself with a prop gun - October 12th, 1984 2022-10-12
Hundreds of thousands march on the U.S. capital in support of gay rights - October 11th, 1987 2022-10-11
The historic London Bridge is reopened in Arizona - October 10th, 1971 2022-10-10
Russian despot Vladimir Putin is born - October 7th, 1952 2022-10-07
The Moulin Rouge cabaret opens in Paris - October 6th, 1889 2022-10-06
Narcotics Anonymous holds its first recovery meeting - October 5th, 1953 2022-10-05
Televangelist Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges - October 4th, 1988 2022-10-04
America’s first Black-owned radio station goes on the air - October 3rd, 1949 2022-10-03
The U.S. Navy commissions the world's first nuclear-powered submarine - September 30th, 1954 2022-09-30
Jackie Wilson slips into an irreversible coma - September 29th, 1975 2022-09-29
Dr. Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin - September 28th, 1928 2022-09-28
Balloonfest '86 wreaks havoc in Cleveland, Ohio - September 27th, 1986 2022-09-27
Nixon and Kennedy take part in the first televised presidential debate - September 26th, 1960 2022-09-26
Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet is published - September 23rd, 1923 2022-09-23
American spy Nathan Hale is executed by British troops - September 22nd, 1776 2022-09-22
A British barrister buys Stonehenge as a gift for his wife - September 21st, 1915 2022-09-21
The first wave of Southeast Asian "boat people" arrives in San Francisco - September 20th, 1977 2022-09-20
Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” hits No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 - September 19th, 1960 2022-09-19
An explosion on Wall Street kills 38 people - September 16th, 1920 2022-09-16

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