From the desk of “Stuff You Missed in History Class,” “This Day in History Class” quickly recounts a tidbit from today’s events in history.


Title Date published
Agnes Meyer Driscoll born - July 24, 1889 2019-07-24
Ford sold first automobile - July 23, 1903 2019-07-23
Emma Lazarus born - July 22, 1849 2019-07-22
Crete earthquake - July 21, 365 C.E. 2019-07-21
Apollo 11 landed on the moon - July 20, 1969 2019-07-20
Red Summer riots in Washington, D.C. - July 19, 1919 2019-07-19
Football War cease-fire - July 18, 1969 2019-07-18
Mary Leakey discovered Paranthropus boisei skull - July 17, 1959 2019-07-17
Elizabeth Jennings removed from streetcar in New York - July 16, 1854 2019-07-16
Maggie L. Walker born - July 15, 1864 2019-07-15
Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring passed - July 14, 1933 2019-07-14
First FIFA World Cup - July 13, 1930 2019-07-13
William Walker usurped Nicaraguan presidency - July 12, 1856 2019-07-12
Andrée's Arctic balloon expedition began - July 11, 1897 2019-07-11
Nicolás Guillén born - July 10, 1902 2019-07-10
Great Train Wreck of 1918 - July 9, 1918 2019-07-09
Roswell Incident press release issued - July 8, 1947 2019-07-08
First wrapped, automatically sliced loaves of bread sold - July 7, 1928 2019-07-07
Piper Alpha disaster - July 6, 1988 2019-07-06
Dolly the Sheep born - July 5, 1996 2019-07-05

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