From the desk of “Stuff You Missed in History Class,” “This Day in History Class” quickly recounts a tidbit from today’s events in history.


Title Date published
Suleiman's Siege of Vienna Began - Sept. 27, 1529 2018-09-27
Johnny Appleseed Born - Sept. 26, 1774 2018-09-26
Treaty of York - Sept. 25, 1237 2018-09-25
Benedict Arnold Escaped - Sept. 24, 1780 2018-09-24
Victoria Woodhull Born - Sept. 23, 1838 2018-09-23
Shaka Killed - Sept. 22, 1828 2018-09-22
Alexandria of Bavaria Died - Sept. 21, 1875 2018-09-21
Battle of the Sexes - Sept. 20, 1973 2018-09-20
Ötzi the Iceman Discovered - Sept. 19, 1991 2018-09-19
Constantine the Great United the Roman Empire - Sept. 18, 324 2018-09-18
Camp David Accords - Sept. 17, 1978 2018-09-17
Grito de Dolores - Sept. 16, 1810 2018-09-16
Crash at Crush - Sept. 15, 1896 2018-09-15
Death of U.S. President William McKinley - Sept. 14, 1901 2018-09-14
Phineas Gage Struck with a Tamping Iron - Sept. 13, 1848 2018-09-13
Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Elope - Sept. 12, 1846 2018-09-12
Vivekananda's Speech on Hinduism - Sept. 11, 1893 2018-09-11
DNA Fingerprinting Discovered - Sept. 10, 1984 2018-09-10
Attica Prison Uprising Began - Sept. 9, 1971 2018-09-09
Delano Grape Strike Began - Sept. 8, 1965 2018-09-08

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