<p>Lectures and Discussions for PLS 150 at Akita International University, Akita, Japan</p><p>Photo Credit: Marina Leonova: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-globe-and-a-white-sphere-on-the-paper-7634849/ CC 2.0</p>


Title Date published
Week 8.1 Political Economy (Bonus) 2024-10-07
Week 15 Political Humans 2023-07-20
Week 12 Democracy in Practice 2023-06-29
Week 9 Democracy 2023-06-08
Week 8 Political Economy 2023-06-01
Week 7 Nations and Nationalism 2023-05-25
Week 5 The International System 2023-05-11
Week 4 'Science' and the Study of Politics 2023-04-27
Week 3 Power and Legitimacy 2023-04-20
Week 2 States of Nature 2023-04-13
Week 1 Political Animals 2023-04-08

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