Each week, physician, economist, and author of "Random Acts of Medicine" Dr. Bapu Jena will dig into a fascinating study at the intersection of economics and healthcare. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? Can surviving a hurricane help you live longer? What do heart surgery and grocery-store pricing have in common?


Title Date published
5. How to Solve a Medical Mystery 2021-09-03
4. What Do Grocery Store Prices and Heart Surgery Have in Common? 2021-08-27
3. Why Are Kids With Summer Birthdays More Likely to Get the Flu? 2021-08-20
2. Do As Docs Say, Not As They Do 2021-08-13
1. Covid and the “Birthday Effect” 2021-08-06
Introducing “Freakonomics, M.D.” 2021-07-21
Marathons Can Be Deadly — But Not For the Reasons You May Think 2021-06-10

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