Volcanoes. Trees. Drunk butterflies. Mars missions. Slug sex. Death. Beauty standards. Anxiety busters. Beer science. Bee drama. Take away a pocket full of science knowledge and charming, bizarre stories about what fuels these professional -ologists' obsessions. Humorist and science correspondent Alie Ward asks smart people stupid questions and the answers might change your life.


Title Date published
Ologiesology with Alie Ward (1-Year Anniversary Episode) 2018-10-05
Functional Morphology (ANATOMY) with Joy Reidenberg 2018-10-02
Myrmecology (ANTS) with Terry McGlynn 2018-09-25
Egyptology (ANCIENT EGYPT) with Kara Cooney 2018-09-18
Conservation Technology (EARTH SAVING) with Shah Selbe 2018-09-11
Oceanology (OCEANS) with Ayana Johnson 2018-09-04
Ferroequinology (TRAINS) with Matt Anderson 2018-08-28
Bonus Minisode: Kalology -- Your Letters 2018-08-21
Kalology (BEAUTY STANDARDS) with Renee Engeln 2018-08-21
Oology (EGGS) with John Bates 2018-08-14
Ophthalmology (EYES) with Reid Wainess 2018-08-07
Epidemiology (DISEASES) with 'This Podcast Will Kill You's' Erins Welsh & Allmann-Updyke 2018-07-31
Selachimorphology (SHARKS) with Chris Lowe 2018-07-24
Malacology (SNAILS & SLUGS) with Jann Vendetti 2018-07-17
Areology (MARS) Part 2 with Jennifer Buz 2018-07-10
Areology (MARS) Part 1 with Jennifer Buz 2018-07-03
MINISODE: Aestaology (SUMMER) should be a word 2018-06-26
Deltiology (POSTCARDS) with Donna Braden 2018-06-19
Rhinology (NOSES) with John Craig 2018-06-12
Phonology (LINGUISTICS) with Nicole Holliday 2018-06-05

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