Each day, the flood of technology news hits. In an industry that always changes, those who deliver technology services need to focus on the information that matters to them. The Business of Tech podcast focuses on the news you need to know. Covering both the story and why it matters to the way services are created and delivered, channel veteran Dave Sobel brings you up to speed and gives you resources to go deeper. With insights and analysis, this five minute podcast focuses on the knowledge you need to be effective, profitable, and relevant.


Title Date published
Office 365, Microsoft 365, and Windows 365: Naming explained and why IT services companies care 2021-08-14
Fri Aug 13 2021: AI in call centers and decision making, the McFlurry machine and why you care, and Sweden's Silicon Valley 2021-08-13
Thu Aug 12 2021: Infrastructure security, Microsoft vulnerabilities, Accenture breached, and the final broadband investment 2021-08-12
Wed Aug 11 2021: Public cloud pushback, Google's remote pay disparity, and the new fight between Microsoft and Amazon 2021-08-11
Tue Aug 10 2021: How ransomware and API data are linked, and the leaked playbook, plus business travel - is it coming back? 2021-08-10
Mon Aug 9 2021: reopening & jobs data, the FCC's new maps, and legacy tech costs 2021-08-09
Fri Aug 6 2021: Americans hate their broadband, IT operations maturity, and the lack of belonging in tech 2021-08-06
Thu Aug 5 2021: BlackHat, DHS, and MSPs targeted; Vaccination and hybrid work, the connection 2021-08-05
Wed Aug 4 2021: Device, cloud and IT Operations insights, and Microsoft 365 sells out and why we care 2021-08-04
Tue Aug 3 2021: The link between Small business and vaccination, and Microsoft 365's pricing and its implications 2021-08-03
Mon Aug 2 2021: Zero trust rises, so does Dark Side and REvil, and insurance says catastrophe, plus a lesson from AirBNB 2021-08-02
Fri Jul 30 2021: Earnings Eason lessons, Google & Microsoft perceptions, and SMB innovation 2021-07-30
Thu Jul 29 2021: New CDC guidelines changes the reopening plans, and broadband's impact on work -- the hidden perks in both 2021-07-29
Wed July 28 2021: Government security movements, stats on the landscape, and other side's smarts 2021-07-28
Tue Jul 27 2021: Commutes, employee happiness, and small town lures - what's working, and Kaseya's NDA position 2021-07-27
Mon Jul 26 2021: Semiconductors, travel, virtual doctors and the market, plus Kaseya acquires decryptor 2021-07-26
Cybersecurity v Information Security: What's the difference? 2021-07-24
Fri Jul 23 2021: Gartner, CIOs, ISG, IBM, and Datto on the market, TechAisle on Cloud PC, and mandatory disclosures 2021-07-23
The Jul 22 2021: Big increase in data leaks due to ransomware, and Respect in Security harassment data 2021-07-22
Wed Jul 21 2021: Cali and Virginia go big on broadband, the recession is over, and Zoom's big strategy reveal 2021-07-21

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