Five-time winner of Best Education Podcast in the Podcast Awards. Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing and feed your love of the English language. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer. Grammar Girl is a Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.


Title Date published
437 GG What’s the difference between England, Great Britain, and the UK? 2014-10-09
436 GG Why People Have Always Been Confused About Apostrophes 2014-10-02
435 GG We Might Could Harvest the Corn 2014-09-25
434 GG Ya Shank: The Made-Up Swear Words of 'The Maze Runner' 2014-09-18
433 GG Why People Mix Up the Pronouns "Me" and "I" 2014-09-11
431 GG Words That Aren't Words 2014-08-28
430 GG The Plural of Money. This Is Your Brain on Writing. Egregious 2014-08-21
429 GG How to Use the Conjunction “Nor” 2014-08-14
428 GG Crash Blossoms 2014-08-07
427 GG 7 French Food-Related Words That Became English 2014-07-31
426 GG A Language Lover's Trip to England 2014-07-24
425 GG Why Weird Al's Word Crimes Video Made Me Want to Quit 2014-07-17
424GG There's Something Weird About "For," "Yet," and "So" 2014-07-10
423 GG Is the Semicolon in TL;DR Ironic? 2014-07-03
422GG Manipulating Words to Make Things Funny 2014-06-26
421 - Part II: Why Do People Say 'A-Whole-Nother'? 2014-06-19
420 - Why 'A-Whole-Nother' Isn’t Like 'Ala-Frickin’-Bama' and 'Hizzouse' 2014-06-12
419 - Using Stick Figures to Understand First, Second, and Third Person 2014-06-05
417 - An Unparalleled Letdown 2014-05-22
416GG How to Kick Your Annoying Preposition Habit 2014-05-15

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