Pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.


Title Date published
Queer Theory is Gender Marxism, Et Cetera 2022-03-30
What to Do About Critical Race Theory | James Lindsay 2022-03-18
How Critical Race Theory Operates | James Lindsay 2022-03-16
Critical Education: Transformative Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) 2022-03-07
The Deep Ideological Origins of Critical Race Theory | James Lindsay 2022-03-02
Critical Race Theory Is Race Marxism 2022-02-28
The Proximate Ideological Origins of Critical Race Theory | James Lindsay 2022-02-23
What is Critical Race Theory? | James Lindsay 2022-02-21
Introducing Race Marxism 2022-02-15
Critical Education: What Is Culturally Relevant Pedagogy? 2022-02-07
Paulo Freire's Prophetic Vision for Education 2022-02-02
The Southern Baptist Convention & The Subordination of Scripture | OnlySubs w/ James Lindsay, Ep. 80 2022-01-31
The Theology of Marxism 2022-01-24
Paulo Freire's Politics of Education and a New Hope 2022-01-17
Why Every Day Is January 6 Now | OnlySubs with James Lindsay, Ep. 77 2022-01-12
The True History of Intersectionality 2022-01-10
How Education Turned Critical 2022-01-03
Groomer Schools 3: The Creation of an American Red Guard 2021-12-27
Five Key Points to Understand About Critical Race Theory 2021-12-20
Education's New Marxist Commitments 2021-12-13

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