Pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.


Title Date published
The Dark Truth About Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) 2022-08-29
What is a Woman? 2022-08-26
Paulo Freire and the Marxist Transformation of the Church 2022-08-22
The Normalization Scale 2022-08-18
Paulo Freire's Marxist Easter for Educators 2022-08-15
Queer Theory Is Queer Marxism 2022-08-11
Paulo Freire and the Critical Theft of Education 2022-08-09
James Lindsay on His Lifetime Twitter Ban 2022-08-08
21st Century Re-Education, The Digital Gulag 2022-08-04
Critical Education Violates the First Amendment 2022-08-01
Queer Theory and "Cripping Incest Discourses(s)" 2022-07-25
The Social-Emotional Learning Bait-and-Switch 2022-07-18
Paulo Freire and Learning to Remake Man 2022-07-11
The Process of Marxist Consciousness 2022-07-07
Paulo Freire's Perpetual Cultural Revolution 2022-07-04
A Social Contract for the New World Order 2022-06-30
Groomer Schools 4: Drag Queen Story Hour 2022-06-27
Leninism, Maoism, and Stakeholder Capitalism 2022-06-24
The Queer Subversion of Feminism: Gayle Rubin's "Thinking Sex" Part 3 2022-06-20
Critical Thinking versus Critical Theory 2022-06-16

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