Beyond the world we can see is a mysterious world.


Title Date published
The Zodiac Killer Letters [or Codes? Games?] 2024-09-20
The Zodiac Killer Crimes 2024-09-13
George Washington’s Vision of the Virgin Mary (Patrons Questions!) 2024-09-06
Neanderthals in Genesis? (Weird Questions) 2024-08-30
Remote Viewing Experiment! (Outbounder Protocol) 2024-08-23
Guardian Angels 2024-08-16
Lost Scriptures: The Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch, Nephilim) 2024-08-09
Lost Scripture: The Book of Enoch 2024-08-02
New Rules for Evaluating Supernatural Phenomena (Apparitions, Visions, Eucharistic Miracles, Catholic, Vatican, Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) 2024-07-26
Why the Vatican Changed Its Rules for Evaluating Supernatural Phenomena (Apparitions, Visions, Eucharistic Miracles, Catholic, Vatican, Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) 2024-07-19
New Course with Jimmy Akin: Christianity and Parapsychology 2024-07-18
Whitley Strieber’s Communion (Aliens, UFOs, Visitors, Abduction) 2024-07-12
Lost Scripture? Jubilees (Missing Book of the Bible?) 2024-07-05
Deathbed Visions (Afterlife Research) 2024-06-28
The Truth About Unicorns 2024-06-21
Do Unicorns Exist? 2024-06-14
The Soul of Frankenstein’s Monster (& More Patron Questions) 2024-06-07
Marriage After Civilization Is Destroyed (& More Weird Questions) 2024-05-31
The Miracle of Calanda (Regrown Limb! Amputated Leg!) 2024-05-24
Terminal Lucidity (Sudden Awakenings, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Near-Death) 2024-05-17

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