Every company has a story. Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.


Title Date published
Episode 21: Inside the M&A Press with Bloomberg's Alex Sherman 2016-09-27
Episode 20: Android 2016-09-16
Episode 19: Jet 2016-08-29
Episode 18: Special—An Acquirer’s View into M&A with Taylor Barada, head of Corp Dev at Adobe 2016-08-22
Acquired Episode 17: Waze 2016-08-03
Acquired Episode 16: Midroll + Stitcher (acquired by Scripps) 2016-07-12
Acquired Episode 15: ExactTarget (acquired by Salesforce) with Scott Dorsey 2016-07-05
Episode 14: LinkedIn 2016-06-16
Episode 13: Push Pop Press (Facebook Instant Articles) with Todd Bishop 2016-06-06
Episode 12: Snapchat 2016-05-23
Episode 11: PayPal 2016-05-09
Acquired Episode 10: Virgin America 2016-04-27
Episode 9: Writely (Google Docs) 2016-03-29
Episode 8: Acompli, Sunrise, and Wunderlist (w/ Kurt DelBene) 2016-02-29
Episode 7: YouTube 2016-02-03
Episode 6: Lucasfilm 2016-01-19
Episode 5: Siri 2015-12-14
Episode 4: Bungie (with Xbox Co-Founder Ed Fries) 2015-11-30
Episode 3: Twitch 2015-11-16
Episode 2: Instagram 2015-11-01

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