From, the 'Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union' series features two shows, 'Final Fantasy Union', hosted by Darryl and 'Kingdom Hearts Union' hosted by Branden. Each podcast concentrates on different areas of the these particular franchises with news, featured discussions, tons of community interaction and interviews with famous peoples! Join the crew for some great discussion.


Title Date published
FF Union 42: Mmmmm. That's good baby Moogle meat! 2010-09-21
FF Union Character Battle 2: The kingly inventor verses the amnesiac. 2010-09-19
MiniGUP 12: Achievement Unlocked - Do we really have to talk about that game again? 2010-09-15
FF Union Character Battle 1: The battle begins! 2010-09-12
KH Union 17: The heartless get a twitter account. 2010-09-07
FF Union 41: Lightning is too sexy for UK television! 2010-09-01
MiniGUP 11: Spawn camping your parents are fun memories. 2010-08-24
KH Union 16: Beat up your friends with a keyblade. 2010-08-18
FF Union 40: Nomura is tortured...for tweets. 2010-08-11
MiniGUP 10: Strolling down nostalgia lane to the corner of Awesome Street and Epic Avenue. 2010-08-03
KH Union 15: Birth by Sleep in Europe; Sora and Riku sit down for afternoon tea. 2010-07-26
FF Union 39: Goodbye to all my friends. 2010-07-20
MiniGUP 9: Rockin' out with Rock Band or playing your last encore? 2010-07-13
KH Union 14: Does Sora look better on a cell phone or the DS? 2010-07-06
FF Union 38: Xbox 360 - "FF14, why have you forsaken me?" 2010-06-29
MiniGUP: Post E3 2010 Bonanza 2010-06-22
FF&KH Union: E3 2010 Special 2010-06-17
MiniGUP: E3 2010 Press Event Debate 2010-06-16
MiniGUP: E3 Preview Extravaganza 2010-06-13
KH Union 13: E3 will be ninja'd by Nomura. 2010-06-08

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