Yoga teacher and writer J. Brown is leading the way in the Slow Yoga Revolution, advocating for more intimate, breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practices. J interviews guests from old-school yoga teachers to other yoga revolutionists about philosophy and the business of yoga.


Title Date published
Hauora Yoga Conference - "Yoga Therapy in New Zealand" 2018-12-17
Michael de Manincor- "Kaleidoscope of Wisdom and Science" 2018-12-10
Anne Jablonski - "Freedom, Agency, and the Mindful Unplug" 2018-12-03
Karen Rain - "Pattabhi Jois Was Not a Great Yogi" 2018-11-26
Genny Wilkinson Priest - "Can Ashtanga Evolve?" 2018-11-19
Gregor Maehle - "Truth and Reconciliation in Ashtanga Yoga" 2018-11-12
Pedro Luna - "Instagram and Beyond" 2018-11-05
Karin Carlson - "Yoga Alliance is Beside the Point" 2018-10-29
Nadiya Nottingham - "Pragmatic Mysticism" 2018-10-22
Shelly Prosko - "Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model" 2018-10-15
Carrie Owerko - "Nontraditional Iyengar" 2018-10-08
Dr. Loren Fishman - "Medical Practice of Yoga" 2018-10-01
Jessie Barr and Tom O'Brien - "Om City Series" 2018-09-24
Patti Safian - "Never Give Over Your Power" 2018-09-17
Philip Goldberg - "Maha Lineage and The Life of Yoganandaā€¯ 2018-09-10
Larry Payne - "Prime of Life, Yoga Therapy Rx" 2018-09-03
Mirka Scalco Kraftsow - "With Courage and Love for Desikachar" 2018-08-27
Gary Kraftsow - "What is Viniyoga?" 2018-08-20
Richard Miller - "Nondual Wisdom, Modern Adaptation" 2018-08-13
R. Sriram - "Legacy of TKV Desikachar" 2018-08-06

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