Join The New York Public Library and your favorite writers, artists, and thinkers for smart talks and provocative conversations from the nation’s cultural capital.


Title Date published
Nikki Giovani & Joy-Ann Reid 2017-12-05
Stephen Greenblatt & Tony Kushner: Adam and Eve in the Teeth of Time 2017-11-28
Kevin Young & Bunk—Hoaxes, Hooey, Hocum; Cons, Plagiarists, and Forgers 2017-11-21
Anne Applebaum: Fighting Against the Great Forgetting 2017-11-14
Theaster Gates: "I'm Trying to Create an Intimate Moment with Our Most Treasured Assets." 2017-11-07
Van Jones: "You have to keep open the possibility for redemption." 2017-10-31
Ron Chernow: Grant 2017-10-24
Nasty Women 2017-10-18
Mike Wallace, Greater Gotham 2017-10-10
Salman Rushdie, The Golden House 2017-10-03
Jesmyn Ward on 'Sing, Unburied, Sing' 2017-09-26
Atul Gawande & Elizabeth Alexander 2017-09-19
Kurt Andersen, Fantasyland 2017-09-12
Raoul Peck, "I Am Not Your Negro" 2017-09-05
Ayobami Adebayo on her debut novel "Stay With Me" 2017-08-29
Ibram X. Kendi, Stamped from the Beginning 2017-08-22
Noam Chomsky and Wallace Shawn: Rigorous Rationality 2017-08-15
How Judy Collins Conquered Her Cravings 2017-08-08
Lynn Nottage & Sweat 2017-08-01
Immigrant Stories—Min Jin Lee with Simon Winchester 2017-07-25

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