This is the PAINE Podcast. A podcast for physician assistants to prepare for passing the PANCE/PANRE, as well as staying up to date on clinical literature. Every month I breakdown a topic on the NCCPA blueprint and tell you what you need to know when studying for your boards. I also tackle the current literature that may be practice changing, as well as other emerging medical practice topics.


Title Date published
PAINE PANCE Postcard - Nephrotic Syndrome 2021-09-09
EpPAINEnym - Bonney Test 2021-09-03
PAINE PANCE Postcard - Urinary Incontinence 2021-08-30
EpPAINEnym - Behçet's Disease 2021-08-27
PAINE PANCE Postcard - Fibromyalgia 2021-08-23
EpPAINEnym - Osgood-Schlatter Disease 2021-08-20
PAINE PANCE Postcard - Ankylosing Spondylitis 2021-08-19
EpPAINEnym - Galeazzi Fracture 2021-08-13
PAINE PANCE Postcard - Compartment Syndrome 2021-08-09
EpPAINEnym - Schamroth Test 2021-07-09
EpPAINEnym - Hippocratic Fingers 2021-07-02
Episode #72 - How to be a Good Student on Your Surgery Rotation 2021-06-25
EpPAINEnym - Foramen of Winslow 2021-06-25
Student Spotlight Series 2021-06-21
EpPAINEnym - Pringle Maneuver 2021-06-18
EpPAINEnym - Triangle of Calot 2021-06-04
EpPAINEnym - Korsakoff Syndrome 2021-05-28
EpPAINEnym - Tourette's Syndrome 2021-05-21
EpPAINEnym - Klumpke's Palsy 2021-05-14
Episode #71 - Guillain-Barré Syndrome 2021-05-10

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