We bring you local hosts and guests from across the diocese of Fargo, Bismarck, Crookston, Rapid City, Duluth, Superior, New Ulm, Sioux Falls, Winona-Rochester, and Cheyenne.


Title Date published
Fr. John Paul Gardner, Diocese of Bismarck - RPL 03.07.22 1/1 2022-03-07
John Finch & Andrew Ferguson, The Vigil Project - RPL 03.04.22 1/2 2022-03-04
Jennifer Anderson, Redeeming Grace Counseling - RPL 03.04.22 1/1 2022-03-04
Amanda Vernon - RPL 03.03.22 2/3 2022-03-03
Linda Baldwin, Mustard Seed Catholic Store - RPL 03.03.22 2/2 2022-03-03
Darcy Neigum - RPL 03.03.22 2/1 2022-03-03
Steve Ray - RPL 03.03.22 1/2 2022-03-03
Bishop David Kagan, Diocese of Bismarck - RPL 03.03.22 1/1 2022-03-03
Robyn Bruggeman - RPL 03.02.22 2/1 2022-03-02
Sammi Murtha - RPL 03.02.22 1/1 2022-03-02
Teresa Tomeo - RPL 03.01.22 2/1 2022-03-01
Clement Harrold - RPL 03.01.22 2/1 2022-03-01
Bishop Daniel Felton, Diocese of Duluth - RPL 03.01.22 1/2 2022-03-01
Glen Gauer, Mission Blueprint - RPL 03.01.22 1/1 2022-03-01
Dr. Roland Millare - RPL 02.28.22 2/2 2022-02-28
Santi & Carolyn Ocariz - RPL 02.28.22 2/1 2022-02-28
Straight Talk with Fr. Randal Kasel - RPL 02.28.22 1/2 2022-02-28
Dr. Susan Windley-Daoust, Diocese of Winona-Rochester - RPL 02.28.22 1/1 2022-02-28
Kim Fagen & Sue McClernon - RPL 02.25.22 2/3 2022-02-25
Beverly Everett, Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra - RPL 02.25.22 2/2 2022-02-25

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