Americans enjoy a multiplicity of religious traditions. Explore both traditional religions, and what it means to be spiritual in a rapidly changing and diversifying religious world.


Title Date published
Explaining Transformation: Material Miracles and Their Theorists in the Later Middle Ages with Carole Walker Bynum 2010-02-01
The Diaspora and Israel (Conversations with History) 2010-02-01
Osher UCSD: Jane Via 2009 Three Years as a Woman Priest 2009-12-07
Who Are the Real Chosen People? The Meaning of Chosenness in Judaism Christianity and Islam 2009-11-09
U.S. Policy Toward Iran: Problems and Prospects (Conversations with History) 2009-11-09
Confronting Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century 2009-11-02
Why the Dalai Lama Matters 2009-11-02
Evolution for Everyone 2009-10-26
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama: Ethics for Our Time 2009-09-21
Why Our Politics Cannot Be Freed from Religion: The State as Transformed Church 2009-08-17
Spirituality and Culture 2009-07-13
Everything Must Change: Rediscovering Christian Faith as a Spiritual-Social Movement 2009-07-06
'All Israel will be Saved': Paul and Augustine on the Redemption of the Jews 2009-06-01
Michael Shermer: Why Darwin Matters 2009-05-11
An Evening with Brian McLaren - 2009 2009-05-04
The Buddha as a Businessman: Economics and Law in an Old Indian Religion 2009-05-04
Islam in the West with Jocelyn Cesari (Conversations with History) 2009-02-16
Thinking about Religion Belief and Politics with Talal Asad 2008-12-08
Thinking About Religion Secularism and Politics - Conversations with History 2008-12-08
Moral Decision Making: The U.S. Congress and the Policy of Sexual Ethics 2008-11-17

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