The ultimate playbook for winning a presidential campaign. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and campaign veterans who have had front row seats to presidential history dive deep into the six most important lessons learned from presidential campaigns that win. Chris and his guests tap into their experience, historical insight, passion for electoral politics, and love for our country to explain why these lessons matter, and how they’ve separated winners from losers.


Title Date published
6 - Go Negative 2020-02-24
5 - Ride the Galloping Horse of History 2020-02-17
4 - Play from the Back 2020-02-10
3 - The Walls Have Ears 2020-02-03
2 - See Something, Say Something 2020-01-27
1 - Win Iowa 2020-01-27
Introducing: So You Wanna Be President? 2020-01-17

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