<p>New research on how society works</p>


Title Date published
Migration - Music and Politics 2011-10-12
Surnames - War, Politics and comic strip Superheroes 2011-10-05
Tour guide - Changing incomes 2011-09-28
Understanding Suicide - Families, Secrets And Memories 2011-09-21
Tales from the Field - Beauty capital 2011-09-14
Home Life 3: Nuclear Household 2011-09-07
Home Life 2: Single Person Household 2011-08-31
Home Life 1: Multi-Generational Household 2011-08-24
Blame the parents? - Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong 2011-08-18
Children, sex and mobile phones - Terror of history 2011-08-10
The mummy's curse - Death photography 2011-08-03
Creating capabilities 2011-07-27
Privacy and parenting by mobile phone. 2011-07-20
Liverpool Riots - Children and Politics 2011-07-13
Comedy capital - Work's intimacy 2011-07-06
Chavs - Ageing Goths 2011-06-29
The Politics of Sleep - Women Who Kill 2011-06-22
HG Wells, Utopias, Paraphernalia 2011-06-15
08/06/2011 2011-06-08
Household breakup in New Orleans - Communist memories 2011-06-01

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