<p>A weekly programme that illuminates the mysteries and challenges the controversies behind the science that's changing our world.</p>


Title Date published
Y chromosome; Everest avalanche; Aphid survey; Longitude 2014-04-24
Sperm and egg; Dogs; Automatic Facebook; Invasive species 2014-04-17
Whales; Dark Matter; Falling; Arty brains 2014-04-10
Calorie Restriction; Moon Age; Mars Yard; IPCC. 2014-04-03
Fracking; Purple GM tomatoes; Bionic humans; Shark attacks 2014-03-27
Cosmic inflation; LISA; Photonic radar; Bird stress camera; Water research; Taxidermy 2014-03-20
Tracking planes; Peer review; Mega-virus; Astronaut 2014-03-13
LG - Chemical weapons, Turtles, Tech for wildlife, Climate 2014-03-06
Brain Machine Interfaces; Question on Gay Genes; Studying Drinking Behaviour 2014-02-27
Bees; Whales; Pain; Gay genes 2014-02-20
Whales from space; Flood emails; SUYI JET Lasers; CERN's new tunnel; Discoveries exhibition 2014-02-13
Engineering for floods; Neanderthal genes; Switching senses; Genes in Space game 2014-02-06
Neanderthals; Plague; Wind Tunnel; Music Timing; Stem Cells 2014-01-30
Higgs Boson; Neutrinos; Antarctic echo locator; Rainforest fungi; Alabama rot 2014-01-23
Personal genetics kits; Persister cells; Earthquake mapping; Scorpions 2014-01-16
Antarctica weather and climate change; GM Fish Oils; Melanin Fossils; Time Travel 2014-01-09
Ancient Human Occupation of Britain 2014-01-06
Bacteriophages; Breath-detecting disease; Our bees electric and DNA Barcoding 2013-12-26
Antimicrobial soap; GAIA; Stone-age jellybones; Antarctica 2013-12-19
Horsemeat; NanoSims; Early bacteria; Crystallography 2013-12-12

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