The Young Turks is Home of The Progressives. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian and a host of progressive voices deliver the news and provocative commentary. Whether you are seeking a breakdown of current events, politics and the mainstream media or just a quick laugh, the TYT daily podcast will always keep you informed and entertained.


Title Date published
Michael Cohen, Fox & Friends Syria, and Diamond and Silk 2018-04-16
Rand Paul vs Pompeo, Corey Booker vs Pompeo, Bank of America, and Teachers With Bats 2018-04-13
Michael Cohen, Kellyanne’s husband, and Wolf-Pac Hawaii 2018-04-11
Joffrey Trump, Ted Nugent, and Kimmel vs Hannity 2018-04-10
Kevin Williamson Fired, Facebook Medical Records, Luxury Space Hotel 2018-04-09
Pulse Shooting New Details, Trump Voters, Ted Cruz Human, and Alex Jones 2018-04-06
New York Politicians, Alison Hartson, NRATV, and Surprise DNA Test Results 2018-04-05
Beto O’Rourke, Alison Hartson, Trump Caravans, and Miami Teachers 2018-04-04
Condom Challenge, Trump Easter Rant, and Shulkin Fired 2018-04-03
Scott Pruitt, Teachers in Oklahoma, and David Hogg 2018-03-31
David Shulkin, Vermont Gun Control, Larry Nassar Dirt 2018-03-30
Tax Bill, Medicare For All, Facebook Lawsuit, and Real Estate 2018-03-29
Repeal 2nd Amendment, NJ Gun Control, Census Question, and Student Loans 2018-03-27
Trump Spelling, Trump Lawyer, Toys ‘R’ Us, and McMaster Resigns 2018-03-24
Trump Congratulates Putin, and Facebook Controversy 2018-03-22
Hillary Comments, Cambridge Analytica, and Firing Mueller 2018-03-20
Financial Advisors No Longer Bound By Your Best Interest, Pruitt's Secret Meetings 2018-03-17
Kudlow, Germany Arrest Warrant, and Neo-Nazi Love Triangle 2018-03-16
National Student Walkout, Teacher Gun, Conor Lamb, and Bernie Troll Bots 2018-03-15
Tillerson Gone, Pompeo In, Austin Bombings, and Schwarzenegger v Oil Companies 2018-03-14

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