A young woman has spent much of her life pretending to be someone she’s not. We’re just one of many people she's fooled. She finds her victims right across Ireland and the UK. And, despite several convictions and being unmasked many times, she shows no sign of stopping... Released weekly, on Fridays // Previous series from DocOnOne include Runaway Joe, Finding Samantha, GunPlot, Tiger Roll and The Nobody Zone.<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
The Real Carrie Jade: Bonus - Irish Gardaí arrest Samantha Cookes! 2024-07-13
The Real Carrie Jade: 06 - I’m Sadie Harris! 2024-07-05
The Real Carrie Jade: 05 - I’m a victim! 2024-06-28
The Real Carrie Jade: 04 - I’m Rebecca Fitzgerald! 2024-06-21
The Real Carrie Jade: 03 - I'm Lucy Fitzwilliams! 2024-06-14
The Real Carrie Jade: 02 - I'm Samantha Cookes! 2024-06-07
The Real Carrie Jade: 01 - I'm Carrie Jade Williams! 2024-06-07
The Real Carrie Jade: Trailer 2024-05-20
Runaway Joe: 09 - Within Sight 2024-03-08
Runaway Joe: 08 - Land of Reinvention 2024-03-01
Runaway Joe: 07 - Jailbreak 2024-02-23
Runaway Joe: 06 - Closing The Net 2024-02-16
Runaway Joe: 05 - The Ripple Effect 2024-02-09
Runaway Joe: 04 - Living Large 2024-02-02
Runaway Joe: 03 - Manhunt 2024-01-26
Runaway Joe: 02 - June and Joe 2024-01-19
Runaway Joe: 01 - A Question of Identity 2024-01-19
Runaway Joe: Trailer 2023-12-21
Finding Samantha: 07 – Who is Samantha Azzopardi? 2023-06-06
Finding Samantha: 06 - Child's Play 2023-05-30

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