<p>Tree advocate Casey Clapp and his tree-curious friend Alex Crowson bring you a podcast about trees and other related topics. History, culture, art, religion, science... trees affect and are affected by everything. Join Casey and Alex on their silly and educational journey to prove it.</p>


Title Date published
7 Deadly Stems: ENVY (Giant Bamboo) 2024-05-09
7 Deadly Stems: PRIDE (Ohio Buckeye) 2024-05-02
7 Deadly Stems: GREED (Russian-Olive) 2024-04-25
7 Deadly Stems: WRATH (Bullhorn Acacia) 2024-04-18
7 Deadly Stems: GLUTTONY (Common Fig) 2024-04-11
7 Deadly Stems: SLOTH (Weeping Willow) 2024-04-04
SEEDPOD with David Allen Sibley 2024-04-01
7 Deadly Stems: LUST (Coco-de-Mer) 2024-03-28
There's No Gum Like (Snow Gum) 2024-03-21
Feeling Rusty (Western Serviceberry) 2024-03-14
Kissing Cousins (Rocky Mountain Pine) 2024-03-07
TREEMIUM EPISODE: Renaming Nature 2024-02-29
S.A.D. (Witch-Hazel) 2024-02-22
Welcome to the Jungle (Brazil Nut) 2024-02-15
Native-Invasive (Western Juniper) 2024-02-08
SEEDPOD: Phyllis Reynolds, Portland Tree Legend 2024-02-05
What is Arboriculture? (European Horsechestnut) 2024-02-01
Parasite (This Week's Tree) 2024-01-25
The Birds & The Trees (Rimu) 2024-01-18
Podocarps (Totara) 2024-01-11

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