<p>Tree advocate Casey Clapp and his tree-curious friend Alex Crowson bring you a podcast about trees and other related topics. History, culture, art, religion, science... trees affect and are affected by everything. Join Casey and Alex on their silly and educational journey to prove it.</p>


Title Date published
Trunkenstein's Monster (Rainbow Wood) 2022-10-27
Shrikopath (Thorn Mimosa) 2022-10-20
Birdcatcher (Pisonia) 2022-10-13
Liquid Amber Flows From It (Sweetgum) 2022-10-06
BONUS EPISODE - Patreon Revamp & What is Phenology? 2022-09-29
The BLM (Bigleaf Maple) 2022-09-22
AKA (Serviceberry) 2022-09-15
BONUS EPISODE - Tree Trek: Spring Day 2022-09-08
Big Time Aroma (Indian Sandalwood) 2022-09-01
Keystone Species (Whitebark Pine) 2022-08-25
Ant Talk (Trumpet Tree) 2022-08-18
Koyamaki (Japanese Umbrella-Pine) 2022-08-11
Archaeondronology (Andean Alder) 2022-08-04
The Suburbs (Purple Leaf Plum) 2022-07-28
Queuña (Andean Paper Tree) 2022-07-21
The Cult of St. Francis (Judas Tree) 2022-07-14
Why-Would-You-Live-There-ness (Madrone) 2022-07-07
Heavy Heaven & The Infamous Air (London Planetree) 2022-06-30
Wrongfully Scorned, Rightfully Wronged (Black Cottonwood) 2022-06-23
Dagger of the Desert (Joshua Tree) 2022-06-16

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