<p>Tree advocate Casey Clapp and his tree-curious friend Alex Crowson bring you a podcast about trees and other related topics. History, culture, art, religion, science... trees affect and are affected by everything. Join Casey and Alex on their silly and educational journey to prove it.</p>


Title Date published
Trees Are The Champions, My Friends (Tuliptree) 2022-05-26
Drupe Fruit Riot (Peach) 2022-05-19
Please Send Us Pawpaws! (Pawpaw) 2022-05-12
Take a Twenty, Leave a Penny (Dogwood) 2022-05-05
The Mothrix (White Mulberry) 2022-04-28
A Tragic Beauty (Southern Live Oak) 2022-04-21
BONUS EPISODE - Arbortrary Shorts (feat. Lizzie Falconer & Jen Thomas from Shorts.) 2022-04-14
The Lord of the Tree Rings, Part Three: Specimen Tree of Gondor (Stewartia) 2022-04-07
The Lord of the Tree Rings, Part Two: Białowieża (Norway Spruce) 2022-03-31
The Lord of the Tree Rings, Part One: Concerning Tree Care (Pedunculate Oak) 2022-03-24
You Can Grow Your Own Way (Southern Catalpa) 2022-03-17
Umwelt (Italian Cypress) 2022-03-10
It's Complicated (Paper Birch) 2022-03-03
Amazing Technicolor Dreamtree (Rocky Mountain Juniper) 2022-02-24
The Other Biggest Tree (Coast Redwood) 2022-02-17
The Biggest Tree (Giant Sequoia) 2022-02-10
Shagadelic, Baby! (Shagbark Hickory) 2022-02-03
Graveyardery (English Yew) 2022-01-27
Mastodon! (Osage Orange) 2022-01-20
Elven Beauty (European Beech) 2022-01-13

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