<p>We dissect the tech news train wrecks of the week, calling out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Think of this podcast as if Kurt Cobain threw down with Tom from MySpace, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg in a back alley brawl. No mercy, no filter—if tech had a walk of shame, this would be it.</p>


Title Date published
85: You and I are Pilgrims of the Grid 2014-11-21
84: No Talent Ass Clown 2014-11-14
83: The Grump Awakens 2014-11-07
82: I Can Haz Ubercorn? 2014-10-31
81: Congratulations... Now Get Off My Internet! 2014-10-24
80: Mmmmm, Cloud Bacon! 2014-10-17
79: A Smorgasbord of Stupid 2014-10-10
78: Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. 2014-10-03
77: Ello Clarice... 2014-09-26
76: Preferably, Without You... 2014-09-19
75: Applesauce Bitch 2014-09-11
74: Dear Hackers, Go Fap Yourself... 2014-09-05
73: Phantom Butthurt Syndrome 2014-08-29
72: The Grumpy Old Geeks Nominate You! 2014-08-22
71: Too Soon? 2014-08-15
70: No Furries in Space 2014-08-08
69: Rabbit Rabbit 2014-08-01
68: Open Source Shenanigans with Sean Bonner 2014-07-25
67: Wanted! 1000 Crazies Like Us. 2014-07-18
66: German Potato Salad 2014-07-11

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