<p>A personal finance and investing podcast on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it. J. David Stein is a former Chief Investment Strategist and money manager. For close to two decades, he has been teaching individuals and institutions how to invest and handle their finances in ways that are simple to understand. More info at moneyfortherestofus.com</p>


Title Date published
A Conversation On Retirement With Jason Parker - Year End Special 2017-12-20
Are U.S. States Just Like Greece? 2017-12-13
Massive Job Losses Are Inevitable But There Will Still Be Work 2017-12-06
How To Invest In Commercial Real Estate 2017-11-29
Was Tulipmania Just Like Bitcoin? 2017-11-22
Does Illegal Immigration Help or Hurt the Economy? 2017-11-15
Can You Outperform Harvard's Endowment? 2017-11-08
Free Markets and the Great Famine 2017-11-01
Japan the Impact of a Shrinking Population 2017-10-25
How Business Contributes To Income Inequality 2017-10-18
Are 60 Percent of Americans Insolvent? 2017-10-11
How To Conduct Investment Due Diligence 2017-10-04
Navigating Modern Life Like The Amish 2017-09-27
Should You Invest Based On Economic Cycles? 2017-09-20
Equifax Aftermath—Should You Freeze Your Credit To Protect Against Identity Theft? 2017-09-13
The Extraordinary Impact of Cities 2017-09-06
Are Financial Markets Efficient? 2017-08-30
Eclipse Special: The Sound of the Totality From Idaho 2017-08-23
The Debt Ceiling—What Happens If the U.S. Defaults 2017-08-16
Is Life More Difficult For Millennials? 2017-08-09

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