<p>A personal finance and investing podcast on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it. J. David Stein is a former Chief Investment Strategist and money manager. For close to two decades, he has been teaching individuals and institutions how to invest and handle their finances in ways that are simple to understand. More info at moneyfortherestofus.com</p>


Title Date published
Where Federal Money Flows 2016-09-28
Is The Economy Really Doing That Poorly? 2016-09-21
Build Your Inventory, Discover Your Theme 2016-09-14
Why Health Insurance Premiums and Prescription Drug Prices Are Exploding 2016-09-07
Why Negative Interest Rates Are Dangerous 2016-08-31
What If Everyone Starts Indexing? 2016-08-24
Lao Tzu on Living and Investing 2016-08-17
Investing Won't Make You Rich 2016-08-10
Are Renewable Energy ETFs A Good Investment? 2016-08-03
The Retirement Journey 2016-07-27
Why Investors Can't Ignore China 2016-07-20
How To Get Financially Unstuck 2016-07-13
Vacation Special: Investing In Your Family 2016-07-06
Money Is Cheap, Freedom Is Expensive 2016-06-29
Brexit and the Economics of Immigration 2016-06-22
Your Retirement Depends On Robots 2016-06-15
How To Be A Minimalist Investor 2016-06-08
How To Protect Yourself From Bail Ins 2016-06-01
Money Is A Time Machine 2016-05-25
Investing in Real Estate Via Crowdfunding Platforms 2016-05-18

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