People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


Title Date published
SC EP:221 Deep in the woods 2016-05-23
SC EP:219 Squallies – Ape human hybrid 2016-05-15
SC EP:217 Monsters Underground 2016-05-08
SC EP:215 The creature was looking at me intently 2016-05-02
SC EP:213 Dark Waters 2016-04-24
SC EP:211 Running right into a creature...literally 2016-04-17
SC EP:210 Encounter while investigating a property 2016-04-17
SC EP:208 Terrifying night out hunting 2016-04-10
SC EP:206 The creature at the window 2016-04-03
SC EP:204 That is NOT a bear! 2016-03-28
SC EP:202 Is that a gorilla?! 2016-03-20
SC EP:200 The 200th Show Part Two 2016-03-14
SC EP:200 The 200th Show Part One 2016-03-13
SC EP:198 I know what I saw! 2016-03-06
SC EP:196 The Paracas Skulls 2016-02-28
SC EP:195 Two Hunters Encounter A Sasquatch 2016-02-26
SC EP:193 Primal fear of being hunted 2016-02-14
SC EP:191 Do not chase strange lights 2016-02-07
SC EP:189 Sasquatch is bad for business 2016-01-31
SC EP:187 Mountain Giants 2016-01-24

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