A boozy dive into mythology, legends, and folklore. Every week we pour a drink and dive into a new story from around the world. Hear fresh takes on classic myths and learn new stories from around the world, served up over ice by two tipsy history geeks. New episodes every Wednedsay!


Title Date published
312: Poltergeist (Myth Movie Night) 2022-11-30
311: Your Urban Legends LXXII - Cheetos as a Supernatural Explanation 2022-11-23
310: The Tooth Fairy 2022-11-16
309: The Monkey King and Boy Giant (with Van Hoang) 2022-11-09
308: Best Horror Movie Villain 2022-11-02
307: Your Urban Legends LXXI - Logical Answers 2022-10-26
306: Your Urban Legends LXX - Haunted Sewing Machine Theories 2022-10-19
305: Your Urban Legends LXIX - The Secret Doctor Who Episode 2022-10-12
304: Your Urban Legends LXVIII - Haunted Hotels 2022-10-05
303: Dragons, Revisited 2022-09-28
302: Haunted Childhood Homes (with Mara Wilson) 2022-09-21
301: Liminality 2022-09-14
New Patreon Benefits! 2022-09-07
300: Your Urban Legends - Too Many Ghosts Being Too Ghostly 2022-09-07
299: Little Red Riding Hood 2022-08-31
Who Is the Most Heroic Animal of All Time? (“Head Heart Gut” Preview!) 2022-08-30
298: Examining Urban Legends and the Satanic Panic (with Sarah Marshall) 2022-08-24
297: Magical Babies 2022-08-17
296: Your Urban Legends LXVI - Plumber, Electrician, and Psychic 2022-08-10
295: Bedknobs and Broomsticks (Myth Movie Night) 2022-08-03

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