Stop stressing out about your contracting business and take back control. The Contractor Fight is bringing respect and dignity back to the trades one contractor at a time. Discover how to market, sell, and consistently produce your projects at a profit with industry expert and powerful motivator Tom Reber. Stop stealing from your family. Earn what you're worth. Build a business that serves you.


Title Date published
TCF695: GET EYEBALLS - Win Marketing with Guest Joe Hughes 2022-10-19
TCF694: SELL UNAFRAID - The Hunter Mentality 2022-10-18
TCF693: Monday Mojo - Patient Urgency 2022-10-17
TCF692: Friday Fails - Not My Monkeys, Not My Circus. 2022-10-14
TCF691: YOUR MONEY MINDSET: Hone Your Communication Skills with Bill Wockenfuss 2022-10-13
TCF690: GET EYEBALLS - Benefits of a SWOT Analysis for Your Marketing 2022-10-12
TCF689: SELL UNAFRAID: A Strong You 2022-10-11
TCF688: Monday Mojo - Talk Less. Do More. 2022-10-10
TCF687: YOUR MONEY MINDSET - Rise & Reign with Empire 2022-10-06
TCF686: GET EYEBALLS - Getting the Phone to Ring 2022-10-05
TCF685: SELL UNAFRAID - You've Arrived! 2022-10-04
TCF684: Friday Fails - Stop Stealing Time from Your Family 2022-09-30
TCF683: Contractor Q&A: “When Should You Invest in Paid Coaching?” 2022-09-29
TCF682: Best Growth Strategies for Contractor Businesses with John Salzarulo 2022-09-28
TCF681: The Sales Show - Two Lives 2022-09-27
TCF680: Monday Mojo - Gratitude 2022-09-26
TCF679: Friday Fails - Lone Wolf 2022-09-23
TCF678: Contractor Q&A: “How to Compete With Big Companies in Your Area?” 2022-09-22
TCF677: The Sales Show - Common sense 2022-09-20
TCF676: Monday Mojo - Should I Promote This Guy? 2022-09-19

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