This is the weekly show where we discuss the DC Extended Universe, including The Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League, The Flash, Aquaman, and all of the other upcoming DC Movies! We also talk about the DC TV and Animated Universes and some DC Comics and Video Game news as well! DCEU, DCCU, DCTV, DCAU, DCU, Video Games, and Comics!


Title Date published
245: More Tarantino and Less Comic Book 2020-02-03
244: Restraint Was Not in the DNA 2020-01-28
243: Fabulously Flawed Just Like Men 2020-01-20
242: Front 2020-01-13
241: It's No Longer a Matter of If... 2019-12-30
240: Nothing Ever Ends 2019-12-22
239: Fiddling With With This and That 2019-12-17
238: Ride The Lightning 2019-12-10
237: It's Not All Connected 2019-12-01
236: The Thunder Cannot Be Unheard 2019-11-25
235: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition Commentary Track 2019-11-16
234: Live Your Life Like the Snyder Cut 2019-11-10
233: Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen 2019-10-27
232: I Needed the Hair 2019-10-21
231: The Last Laugh 2019-10-14
230: The Review of Joker [SPOILERS] 2019-10-06
229: Toss That For Me, Will Ya? 2019-10-02
228: The Man Of Steel Commentary Track 2019-09-30
227: Mind Over Mayhem 2019-09-23
226: Don't Get Too Attached 2019-09-15

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