<p>Join astronomer Dr Emily Brunsden and enthusiastic not-astronomer Dr Chris Stewart as they explore the universe.</p>


Title Date published
26: How To Build A Solar System 2018-12-19
25: Picture The Sky 2018-12-10
24: Black Holes Feeding On Colliding Galaxies 2018-11-23
23: Syzygy Live! from YorNight 2018 2018-11-19
22: How To Measure The Universe 2018-11-09
21: BepiColombo goes to Mercury 2018-11-02
20: Photo of a Black Hole 2018-10-26
19: Moons, Exomoons & Moonmoons 2018-10-19
18: Mysterious Planet 9 2018-10-12
17: Quantum Conspiracy Theory 2018-09-28
Episode 16: Einstein at the Heart of the Galaxy 2018-08-10
Episode 15: A Salty Lake on Mars 2018-08-03
Episode 14: Total Eclipse of the Moon 2018-07-26
Episode 13: Neutrino Messenger from a Distant Blazar 2018-07-20
Episode 12: The Light Fantastic 2018-07-06
Episode 11: Black Hole Eats Star, Then Burps 2018-06-29
Episode 10: So you want to be an astronomer? 2018-06-22
Episode 09: Life on Mars? 2018-06-15
Episode 08: The Frozen Dunes of Pluto 2018-06-08
Episode 07 (supplemental): Octopuses from Space! 2018-06-01

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