The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins explores the application of Charlotte Mason’s philosophy to the atmosphere, discipline, and life of our homes and schools. We cover Charlotte’s timeless principles as they work themselves out in our real and modern lives. Interviewing seasoned moms who have cherished Charlotte’s works while raising real children in real families, we endeavor to lay a foundation of hope and possibility for our listeners. However imperfectly.


Title Date published
S6E84: Morning Time for Moms Part 3 with Elissa Kroeger 2024-05-23
S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory 2024-05-09
S6E82: Morning Time for Moms (and Dads!), Part 2, with Summer and Mike Smith 2024-04-25
S6E81: “Joy in the Morning” Summer Discipleship 2024-04-18
S6E80: Spring Nature Study with Jeannette Tulis 2024-04-11
S6E79: “A Bit of the World’s Work” with Anne White 2024-03-28
S6E78: Morning Time for Moms, Part 1, with Jami Marstall 2024-03-14
S6E77: Seeing the Big Picture with Heather Martin 2024-02-29
S6E76: “Beyond Mere Motherhood” with Cindy and Dawn 2024-02-15
S6E75: A Sacred Sacrifice with Hannah Paris and Amy Edwards 2024-02-01
S6E74: The Lives of Charlotte Mason Moms and Military Wives 2024-01-18
S6E73: Music and Group Singing with Bethany Stuard 2024-01-04
S5E72: “Six Voices, One Story” with Donna-Jean Breckenridge 2023-12-21
S5E71: Reprise of "Christmas Memories with Lynn and Donna-Jean", Ep. 47 2023-12-07
S5E70: A Casual Chat with Cindy and Dawn 2023-11-23
S5E69: A Question of Culture with Erin Kunkle 2023-11-09
S5E68: The Beauty of Mathematics with Melissa Bair 2023-10-19
S5E67: Science in the Charlotte Mason Homeschool with Jeanne Webb 2023-10-05
S5E66: Q&A No. 7, On the Building Blocks of Story 2023-09-21
S5E65: Building a Home Library with Jeannette Tulis and Sherry Early 2023-09-07

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