Lauryn Evarts Bosstick & Michael Bosstick, the entrepreneurial duo behind Dear Media & The Skinny Confidential have been interviewing the world’s most accomplished individuals for close to a decade. Think world class leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors, celebrities, athletes, executives, bestselling authors, experts, & more. Every episode offers unfiltered conversations with tangible takeaways, advice, & actionable practices the listener or viewer can apply immediately to enhance their own lives. Tune in every week as the couple explore some of the most impressive minds this world has to offer while asking the questions you care about. New episodes every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.


Title Date published
#31: Taylor O'Connor Flared-Up, Razor Burned & Out of Control 2016-10-04
#30: Danny Kurtzman - Excuses are like assholes... motivation 101 and more mental toughness 2016-09-27
#29: Never Scared, Baby Fever, Long Term vs Short Term Decision Making, & How to beat a cold 2016-09-20
#28: Jordan Bostick & Nico Becerra - Is This Illegal?, How To Keep It Spicy, & Establishing Confidence 2016-09-13
#27: Wrinkled Not Dead with Mike and Jen Bell - How to Stay Married, & Turning Trials into Triumphs 2016-09-06
#26: The Meth Neighbor, Birth Control, & Advice to Our Younger Selves 2016-08-30
#25: The Sex Podcast, Wedding Dresses, Break ups, and Content Distribution 2016-08-23
#24: Love Chub, Losing Diamonds, & Influencer Culture 2016-08-16
#23: Alex & Gene Ciccolo - Instagram stories vs. Snapchat, Saint Tropez, Travel Tips, and Jealousy 2016-08-09
#22: The Bitch Bible with Jackie Schimmel 2016-08-02
#21: Porn, Online Dating, Watermelon Jerky, & The Pressure of Social Media 2016-07-26
#20: Seth Browning - Mental Toughness, Daily Routines, & Carb Cycling - TSC Ep 20 2016-07-19
#19: How to Tell if Your Boyfriend is Being Shady, The Longest Wedding Plan Ever, & How to Get Your Blog Noticed 2016-07-12
#18: The Hangover Podcast, July 4th, Managing Couples Finances, and College Experiences 2016-07-05
#17: How to work with Instagram, Reaching out to brands, and can women make the first move 2016-06-28
#16: Mary Evarts - Why Comparing Yourself to Others can Hinder Your Success, What we would tell our younger selves, and how to rise when feeling low 2016-06-21
#15: The Break up Episode! When Relationships go south, working together, keeping your goals in line, how to know if you are with the right person. #Askhimandher Episode 15 2016-06-15
#14: Mimi Evarts, Work Life Balance, How to use Calendar Apps, What to do with Cheaters, is Twitter making a comeback? 2016-06-07
#13: Is Monogamy a Real Thing? Working with friends and family, and how to stay positive when life gets tough. 2016-06-02
#12: Live from Florence, Italy!, Lauryn's Surprise Trip, How to Plan Travel, Keeping the romance alive and how to travel on a budget 2016-05-24

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