
Title Date published
Welcome to Astronomy 161 2006-09-18
Lecture 2: Astronomical Numbers 2006-09-21
Lecture 3: The Starry Night 2006-09-22
Lecture 4: Measuring the Earth 2006-09-25
Lecture 5: Mapping Earth and Sky 2006-09-26
Lecture 6: Daily and Annual Motions 2006-09-27
Lecture 7: The Four Seasons 2006-09-28
Lecture 8: Phases of the Moon 2006-09-29
Lecture 9: Eclipses of the Sun and Moon 2006-10-02
Lecture 10: Telling Time 2006-10-03
Lecture 11: The Calendar 2006-10-04
Lecture 12: The Wanderers - Planetary Motions 2006-10-05
Lecture 13: Greek Astronomy 2006-10-09
Lecture 14: The Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus 2006-10-10
Lecture 15: The Watershed: Tycho and Kepler 2006-10-11
Lecture 16: Galileo and the Telescope 2006-10-12
Lecture 17: On the Shoulders of Giants: Isaac Newton and the Laws of Motion 2006-10-13
Lecture 18: The Apple and the Moon - Newtonian Gravity 2006-10-16
Lecture 19: Orbits 2006-10-17
Lecture 20: Tides 2006-10-18

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