Catholic Answers LIVE is a daily, call-in radio program of Catholic apologetics and evangelization airing live from 6-8 pm ET.


Title Date published
#11935 AMA: Understanding Catholic Predestination, Theologians’ Consensus, Spousal Bonds After Death, and Lessons from Jonah - Jimmy Akin 2024-11-13
#11934 AMA: Natural Law, Predestination, and Invincible Ignorance - Joe Heschmeyer 2024-11-13
#11933 AMA: Evolution, Prevenient Grace, and Papal Primacy - Trent Horn 2024-11-12
#11932 AMA: Returning to Faith, Miraculous Medal, and Catholic Teaching on Immigration - Jim Blackburn 2024-11-12
#11931 Church in the News - Matthew E. Bunson 2024-11-11
#11930 AMA: Symbolic Adam and Eve, Baptism Practices, and Using God-Given Talents - Jimmy Akin 2024-11-09
#11929 AMA: Salvation for the Unheard, Historic Adam and Eve, and Praying to Saints - Jimmy Akin 2024-11-08
#11928 AMA: Mary’s Sinlessness, Power of Rituals, and Why Bad Things Happen to Good People - Mark Brumley 2024-11-08
#11927 AMA: Answering Atheist Arguments, St. Paul’s View on Judaism, and the Infallibility of Tradition - Trent Horn 2024-11-07
#11926 Questions From Non-Catholics - Fr. Sebastian Walshe 2024-11-07
#11925 AMA: Sacraments, Church Fathers, and Mary’s Perfection - Joe Heschmeyer 2024-11-06
#11924 The Why’s of Catholic Belief - Karlo Broussard 2024-11-06
#11923 The Why’s of Catholic Belief - Karlo Broussard 2024-11-05
#11922 Faith and Science - Stacy Trasancos 2024-11-05
#11921 Bible Myths - Steve Ray 2024-11-04
#11920 AMA - Jimmy Akin 2024-11-02
#11919 AMA: Ascension, Excommunication and the Israel-Hamas War Prophecy - Jimmy Akin 2024-11-01
#11918 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples 2024-11-01
#11917 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples 2024-10-31
#11916 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer 2024-10-31

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