A show all about the Jamstack, a new way to build fast and secure apps or websites.


Title Date published
Ep. #47, CMS Simplification with Andrew Sprouse of TakeShape 2019-10-09
Ep. #46, Headless CMS with John Kelly of Contentstack 2019-09-18
Ep. #45, Embedded APIs with Startup Mentor Jeremy Glassenberg 2019-09-04
Ep. #44, The Developer Experience with Divya Sasidharan of Netlify 2019-08-21
Ep. #43, Working in the Open with Jason Lengstorf of Gatsby 2019-07-31
Ep. #42, Structuring Content with Simen Svale Skogsrud and Knut Melvær of Sanity.io 2019-07-10
Ep. #41, Simplifying Developer Workflow with Paul Biggar of Dark 2019-06-20
Ep. #40, Multi-Language Support with Manvel Saroyan 2019-06-06
Ep. #39, GraphQL Services with Sean Grove of OneGraph 2019-05-16
Ep. #38, JAM Performance with J.C. Hiatt of DevLifts 2019-04-18
Ep. #37, Web Analytics with Ben Schwarz of Calibre 2019-04-04
Ep. #36, Collaboration Tools with Jira’s Zak Islam 2019-03-20
Ep. #35, GraphQL Querying with Hasura’s Tanmai Gopal 2019-01-08
Ep. #34, Using MongoDB with Stitch and Atlas 2018-11-27
Ep. #33, The Knative Project with IBM Cloud Platform’s Jason McGee 2018-10-30
Ep. #32, Progressive Web Apps with AWS’ Nader Dabit 2018-09-27
Ep. #31, Originless code with Cloudflare’s Kenton Varda 2018-09-12
Ep. #30, Probot with Bex Warner of GitHub Apps 2018-08-09
Ep. #29, Identity Management with Auth0 2018-05-10
Ep. #28, Front-End Infrastructure at Coursera 2018-04-27

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