From our First Caller of the Day to Danielle’s last Entertainment Report, listen to the entirety of each day's Elvis Duran and the Morning Show from start to finish without having to set your alarm!


Title Date published
75-Conspiracy Theories-7/20/17 2017-07-20
The Day Greg T Was in a Suitcase 2017-07-20
The Day the Answer Was Meat 2017-07-19
74- You're How Old? 7/19/17 2017-07-19
73- Bathroom Talk - 7/18/17 2017-07-19
The Day We Talked to Kesha 2017-07-18
72 - Social Media Sarcasm- 7/17/17 2017-07-17
The Day We Tried Too Hard 2017-07-17
The Day Everyone Matched 2017-07-14
71-Brody Complaints- 7/14/17 2017-07-14
The Day We Found Our Side Hustle 2017-07-13
70 - How much did Greg T pay? - 7/13/17 2017-07-13
The Day Greg T Had Surgery 2017-07-12
69 - New Friends - 7/12/17 2017-07-12
The Day Danielle Gave the Breast Advice 2017-07-11
68 -Boomerang Topics - 7/11/16 2017-07-11
The Day We Returned 2017-07-10
67 - What is your type - 7/10/17 2017-07-10
The Day Skeery Was a Freeloader 2017-06-23
66- Where Ya Going? - 6/23/17 2017-06-23

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