Marginalized voices have always been at the forefront of the internet, yet our stories often go overlooked. Bridget Todd chronicles our experiences online, and the ways marginalized voices have shaped the internet from the very beginning. We need monuments to all of the identities that make being online what it is. So let’s build them.


Title Date published
DISINFORMED: Facebook’s bans news in Australia is silencing activists 2021-02-21
Pay Us What You Owe: Why Black Women in Tech are Tired 2021-02-17
DISINFORMED: Slowing down on Social Media 2021-02-13
DISINFORMED: Is kicking Trump off Twitter censorship? (Spoiler: IT’S NOT) 2021-02-09
DISINFORMED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing a coordinated disinfo attack 2021-02-06
DISINFORMED: Why "Jewish Space Lasers" are no laughing matter 2021-02-02
TANGOTI Classic: How Black Women Tried to Save Twitter 2021-01-29
DISINFORMED: Black women tried to tell you 2021-01-26
DISINFORMED: How'd we get here? 2021-01-19
Introducing: Disinformed 2021-01-19
BONUS: Esports is for Everyone 2020-11-12
Preserving our Voices with Jocelyn Robinson 2020-11-10
We Won’t Forget Lynika Strozier 2020-10-20
Native People Are #NotYourMascot 2020-10-14
The Black Women Fighting Climate Injustice 2020-10-06
BONUS: Behind the Netflix Cuties Controversy 2020-10-03
Why We're All Burnt Out 2020-09-30
Don't Have a Wedding on a Plantation 2020-09-22
She built a movement to take on Breitbart. Now she's finding her voice. 2020-09-15
Missy Elliott: Digital Innovator 2020-09-09

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